““The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped.””
A marriage crisis typically occurs when an unusual amount of stress or unresolved conflict causes the level of anxiety to become too intense for the couple to manage. As a result, anger, resentment, dissatisfaction, frustration and hopelessness take control of the relationship. The couple typically continues the negative interactions or disengages completely from one another, and the relationship shuts down, at what might be called the boiling point or communication meltdown in the marriage. It is usually at this place in the crisis process that one or both people in the marriage look for help from a counselor, minister, friend or family member. Some counselors rather define a marriage crisis as a marriage where one or both partners desire to end the marriage.
If a crisis has occurred or if problems have become unmanageable, you have a right to feel upside-down. Your entire life has changed in an instant. Your body, mind and emotions are thrown out of balance. You probably need outside intervention and help.
On the positive side, a crisis can lead to a solution. It can become the bridge that moves you from pain to a new beginning.