““To equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.””
CTEN missionaries Dallas and Anna Lee Ward offer Biblical discipleship that brings comfort to the hurting, help for the depressed, and direction for conforming to God's will in every area of life. They provide distance (Skype) or person-to-person discipleship and crisis counseling to missionaries, pastors and ministry leaders serving cross-culturally in the USA and around the world, as well as to individuals and families in crisis in the USA.
Dallas and Anna Lee provide Debrief and Renewal (DAR), a customized, personal debriefing for missionaries in transition: whether going, coming home or moving laterally to new ministry, DAR can help missionaries serve with joy and longevity.
Our mission is to encourage individuals to grow in maturity in Christ, while also equipping them to more effectively reach and genuinely love others.
In addition to Biblical counseling and missionary debriefing, we also offer the following services as a ministry to the Body of Christ:
LifeSource offers missionary candidates a pre-field assessment at our Selah House location. These personal assessments are designed to help candidates to identify and address unresolved personal or relationship issues before they launch into ministry. We are also willing to travel to assess candidates on an as-needed basis and/or when there are a number of candidates to be assessed in one place at one time.
As our schedule permits, we offer to visit missionaries or mission teams in their place of ministry for team-building and for marriage and family enrichment purposes. We travel to the missionary's field of service in an emergency or crisis situation.
We speak at marriage conferences, seminars, retreats, and other gatherings – please contact us for more information.